Friday, July 15, 2011

FIve Dominican Companies That Use Social Media

The five top-companies that use social media to advertise there products and communicate with their costumers are:

1) Pav Entertainments
To keep its costumers updated about what new artists they will bring to the country and where the parties will be held. They also listen to what most of their followers say in order to know who to bring to the country next.

2) Diario Libre 
It is very important for a newspaper to divulge information in a fast, organized manner. Therefore, El Diario Libre is a strong user of twitter and facebook, always updating it's content with recent news.

3) Revista Mercado
Mercado Magazine is always updating its status and tweets in order to provide its followers with the most recent news available from the business world.

4) Cerveceria Nacional
The producers of the famous Presidente beer are always trying to keep their costumers interested in their product. Whether by backing up or hosting events and informing everyone through social media webpages.

Universidad Iberamericana is constantly updating its social media webpages and trying to add every single student as a follower. It is a very useful thing for them because they advertise any new event or significant thing that occurs in the university.

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